Transporting Your Animal Home
It’s time to bring your new goats or pigs home! How exciting! Read ahead to learn the proper way to transport your animals to minimize stress and illness.
The wrong way.
Did you know that transport can cause your animal stress and lead to illness?
Travel is stressful and it’s your job to minimize the stress your animal is under. Extreme temperatures, temperature change, wind, and sound all contribute to stress. Stress from travel can lead to scours (diarrhea), cough, runny nose, watery eyes, and pneumonia. Be sure to plan ahead on how you will transport your animals home. This is not something you want to wait until the last minute to think about. Reputable breeders will not let you take animals if you show up to the farm unprepared. Here are some examples of the wrong way to transport animals:
WRONG: A wire crate in the bed of a pick up. The back of a pick up truck is a windy ride. Animals needs to be protected from the wind. Wire crates provide no protection from the wind and very little security for the animal.
WRONG: Again, too much wind and no security.
WRONG: These so-called “goat trailers” are not suitable for long distances. Again, too much wind and no security.
The right way.
Yes, there is a right way to transport your animal that minimizes stress.
Check out these examples of the right way to transport your animals. If you are unsure if your set up is appropriate, send us a picture!
RIGHT: A wire crate INSDIE the cab of the vehicle. Put some pee pads under towels or hay. Remember to put towels or a tarp under the crate to protect your car.
RIGHT: A plastic-sided kennel in the bed of your pickup blocks wind and provides security. Don’t forget to put some bedding in the bottom of the kennel.
RIGHT: A perfectly appropriate way to transport animals.