The 6E herd was tested for CAE, CL, Johne’s Disease, Brucellosis, and Q-Fever in September 2021.

Camanna RM Moonlight Lullabye 3*M

ELITE SG Pholia Farm WM Neopolitana 7*M

ELITE SG Pholia Farm RD Tansy 4*M

Elfin Acres ET Calla Lily 3*M

Castle Rock Ascot 7*M

Nickster Shooting Star

Joie de Vivre SOL Firefly

Dill's BM Blackfoot Daisy

Angle Acres Luna Lovegood 3*M

Urban Acres HK Revontulet

SG Gladdie Acres AR Solstice 3*M

Owlhaven R Misaki

Gillis Family Farm Swiss Miss

Sequoia Mtn BP Maddie Rose

Angle Acres Rose Finch 2*M

6E Farmstead Northuldra

Sequoia Mtn CN Kharisma

N GoatFarm Udder’ly Glorious

ELITE Cascade Valley HB Starlit Design 5*M
Cascade Valley HB ElysianDesign

Owlhaven G Treble

6E Farmstead Worth Melting For

6E Farmstead Lost in the Woods

6E Farmstead Gale

6E Farmstead Marshmallow

6E Farmstead Rey Skywalker

6E Farmstead White Leg

6E Farmstead Princess Leia

6E Farmstead Chewy

6E Farmstead Galaxy